I SAW MY FIRST ARCTIC FOX!! Otherwise it is another day in the field, so far we have been going out everyday of the week and it looks like that will be the case for awhile. We are working on smoothing out our daily jobs so that we can get more done. We help out digging a ditch for a monitoring running water from the ever melting snow.

The condition of ground is starting to get messy, snow mixed with areas of mud, slush, and tundra; all which makes for a tough walking conditions. The season of the snow mobiles is now over, so we are stuck to walking everywhere and it is killer on the feet. The walk to our research area is about a 45 minute walk, which would normally not be so hard, however the lack of a true path is rough. We are about to go out to the field again after lunch and it looks like it will be a hot day of around 55 degrees with full sun and some wind (10 mph).

All right Perry! I'll check your blog every morning with my cups of coffee. I envy you. Erin says hi too.
Hi Perry, the fox is SUPER cool. Keep you head up and enjoy...you could be here sweating your brains out. I'm headed to Wyoming in a few weeks for another project. Then back to Denver.
You guys keep working on how to save the environment, a noble cause.
We miss you guys too Perry and I'm glad your having a good time. Me and Mike rappelled sown into an old mine he's doing consulting work on and found a next of rattlesnakes. I left a more involved description of the events on Amorita blog. Anyway stay safe and warm!
Hey Perry,
Are you missing Foxy?
Good to see you online. I must say Amorita has you beat when it comes to keeping a blog current. Its good reading what you guys are up to. Its a nice break from the daily grind for the rest of us! Take care.
I'll be checking for updates.
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